Your Character Name:
Your Race:
Your Class:
Your WoWArmory link:
Your Professions:
Enchanting (245)
Tailoring (109) XD
Your Talent Spec.:
Your Nationality:
Your Age:
Your RL Location/Time-zone?
Norway / GMT +1 hour
Average amounts of hours you play each week?
Dont know, like 100 hours or so ... online allmost 24/7
Detailed playschedule:
Start playing when i wake up, like 14.00 and then play to late on night! ^^
Are you attuned to the Black Temple and Hyjal Summit? (Add whats missing if you are not attuned)
Not attuned to Black Temple or Hyjal
Anything that can influence your playtimes?
Just, shcool. But that is just in the morning
Do you use any form of Messenger program? (MSN Messenger etc.)
do you have friends in The fallen that can vouch for you? (list name(s))
Why did you choose us?
Because i know that this guild is a guild who raid allot, and i need to raid some more
What do you expect from us?
Progress and nice ppl to raid with
What do you feel you can offer us as a member?
Acktive raider with like 700spell dmg & 19& crit
Have you had any previous guild affiliations, if yes, why did you leave them?
No, never have beend in a serious pve guild.
What is your previous PVE experience in World of Warcraft?
Played wow for like 1 year, realy like my class and downed just kara!