Ingame namn: cerialkillah
Race: ud female
Orginal owner: Yepp
Irl name: Lasse
Age: 23
From: Sweden baby
sport work?: School
Proffessions: alch/herb
what time in the week that u can play: all the time except some weekends.
Karazhan prequest done: Yea baby yea
Revered with?:
Raiding in TBC: karazhan and gruul's lair.
Got Ventrilo 2.1.4 and a mic: yes SIRE.
Profile Link (armory profile):
Specc atm: 41/20/0
Old guilds?: ZtARdEZtroYERz, Notorious
how did u hear of The Fallen: Known it since Fixe helped my old guild out a while ago.
Got any friend in The Fallen: dont know excactly, dont got any enemies atleast :p
Why should u join The Fallen? Cause im a active palyer who wants to play active and experience new first kills!