Ingame namn: Grubnatz
Class: Shaman
Race: Orc
Orginal owner: Me
Irl name: Charlie
Age: 19
From: Sweden
sport work?: The only thing I do atm is that I go to the gym everyday, nothing else =)
Proffessions: Alc (363) and Herb (375)
what time in the week that u can play: Doesn't matter
Karazhan prequest done: Yes
Revered with?: Everyone
Raiding in TBC: Kara
Got Ventrilo 2.1.4 and a mic: Yes
Profile Link (armory profile): The armory only shows my PvP gear, but I have a little more than 1600+ healing full buffed and with some PvE gear.
Specc atm: 8/0/53 (Resto)
Old guilds?: Game
how did u hear of The Fallen: In the general chat
Got any friend in The Fallen: nope
Why should u join The Fallen? I havent done any PvE for a long time now, so you can say I've missed it. I think I can contribute the guild a lot now when I'm finished with school and have a lot of time on my hands