Ingame namn: benraanglet
Class: mage
Race: undead
Orginal owner:yes
Irl name: robin
From: sweden
sport work?: none
Proffessions: 375 tailoring / 358 alc
what time in the week that u can play: everyday
Karazhan prequest done: yes
Revered with?: thrallmar , 500rep more and im revered with keepers of time and lower city
Raiding in TBC: karazhan : attu,moroes,maiden,opera,curator,shade,prince,
Got Ventrilo 2.1.4 and a mic: yes
Profile Link (armory profile): im pompyro specc atm but im willing to respecc and i got 2/3 frozenshadoweave Shoulders/boots
Specc atm: arc/fire but im willing to respecc
Old guilds?: respawn
how did u hear of The Fallen: from my friend makzt
Got any friend in The Fallen: Makzt
Why should u join The Fallen?Because im a skilled mage with raiding exp , and u seems to be a guild that doing much progress in kara and soon starting gruul